9 of the Best Celery Cultivars for Your Garden

5. Monterey

‘Monterey’ is an early-maturing hybrid cultivar bred by Tozer Iberica in Spain. It’s bolt resistant and is perfectly suited to gardeners in warmer climates.

A horizontal image of a commercial plantation of Apium graveolens in a valley with hills in the background.A horizontal image of a commercial plantation of Apium graveolens in a valley with hills in the background.

Grown commercially in southern Europe, ‘Monterey’ is the market leading variety in one of my favorite countries to visit: Spain.

A vigorous grower, with flavorful, dark-green 12-inch stalks ready to harvest in just 80 days.

6. Nan Ling Cutting

A. graveolens var. secalinum, also known as leaf or Chinese celery, is cultivated predominantly in east Asia.

Instead of growing large, thick, tight stalks, ‘Nan Ling Cutting’ grows thin, light-green stalks that you can cut from day 60 of growing through day 90.

A close up square image of Apium graveolens 'Nan Ling Cutting' growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine. To the bottom right of the frame is a white circular logo and text.A close up square image of Apium graveolens 'Nan Ling Cutting' growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine. To the bottom right of the frame is a white circular logo and text.

‘Nan Ling Cutting’

Do you live in a growing zone with a short summer, like I do?

If so, this is a perfect cultivar for you. Plus, it delivers a delicate savory flavor in your Asian recipes, soups, and salads.

And don’t forget to toss the fragrant leaves into a salad, too!

Seeds are available in a variety of packet sizes from True Leaf Market.

7. Tall Utah

This popular heirloom variety was introduced to the market in 1953. ‘Tall Utah’ grows crisp, stringless 12-inch stalks.

It’s perfect for snacking on right out of the garden (with peanut butter or ranch, of course).

A close up square image of Apium graveolens 'Tall Utah' set on a wooden surface.A close up square image of Apium graveolens 'Tall Utah' set on a wooden surface.

‘Tall Utah’

Of all the varieties, this one is my favorite for growing with my young son, since he actually eats it. It takes about 100-125 days to mature, depending on the temperature in your area.

You can find seed packets and even 1-pound sacks available at Eden Brothers.

There is also an “improved” version of ‘Tall Utah,’ with deeper ribs and a sweeter, richer flavor, this stringless stalk won’t overwhelm even the pickiest of eaters.

‘Tall Utah 52-70R Improved’ seeds are available from Burpee.

8. Tango Hybrid

This sweet, extra-crunchy hybrid variety grows extra tall: up to 18 inches! You can also sow the seeds 6-8 inches apart instead of 12, which makes for a larger, heartier crop.

A close up square image of Apium graveolens 'Tango Hybrid,' with dark green stalks, freshly harvested and set on a wooden surface.A close up square image of Apium graveolens 'Tango Hybrid,' with dark green stalks, freshly harvested and set on a wooden surface.

‘Tango Hybrid’

This variety matures faster than older celery varieties, too – enjoy it just 85 days after planting. Plus, it’s tolerant of temperature fluctuations and resistant to fusarium wilt, making it an ideal choice for beginner gardeners.

You can find seeds available at Burpee.

9. White Plume

If you love poetic plant names, ‘White Plume’ is your cultivar. But the name isn’t just there for literary reasons: the plant itself grows compact stalks topped with a plume of lacy, light green leaves.

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